Freezer Benefits
How a Stand-Alone Freezer Can Save You Money
If you are looking for new ways to save money in your home, consider the long-term value of a stand-alone freezer. Freezers are sold as stand-up units and chest, in a variety of sizes and price points.
You can purchase a reliable stand alone freezer for between $200-$500 depending on the size you’re looking for. Luxury and commercials freezer may be more expensive, but will come with more features than most homes require.
A medium-sized freezer may only add between $50-$80 per year in electricity costs. Typically, a stand-alone freeze will last for about 15 years.
Many foods can be stored for long periods of time in a freezer. This allows you to waste less food, and make bulk food purchases when items are on sale, or sold at a lower bulk cost. If you’re a gardner of fisherman, you’ll also have a place to store your fish, fruits and vegetables without worrying about them spoiling.
Freezer Benefits:
- Meal prep and store weeks of pre-made meals.
- Buy in bulk. Take advantage of store sales and bulk pricing.
- Reduce time spent at the grocery store.
- Waste less by putting parts of foods that may spoil quickly into the freezer.
Some of the foods you can freeze:
- Butter
- Cheese
- Beef, pork and chicken
- Fish, crab and shrimp
- Hot dogs and deli meats
- Sausage
- Wild game
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Spinach
- Potatoes
- Pineapple and melon chunks
- Berries, peaches and mangos
- Many breads
- Flours
- Cookie dough
- Yeast dough
- And much more